Live Online Business Coaching Via Zoom

Are you a brand new, or established, health and wellness entrepreneur ready to build and grow your company online and abroad? Do you love teaching your passions and making impact on those you serve, but struggle with managing and prioritizing the mountain of to-dos on your plate? Do you desire more freedom, flexibility and financial abundance? Then you are in the right place.

Over the last several years I’ve worked intimately with teachers, coaches, trainers, and influencers that come to me for business guidance. These new and established professionals want to know how I have built and run my coaching, retreat, and teacher training business.

Many of them want to run their businesses from their laptop so they can have more personal freedom to travel, while reaching and making more impact on a global audience. Does this resonate with you?

So, I distilled down my most potent and powerful skills, techniques, and systems to help my clients crystalize their dreams quickly. I love nothing more than inspiring, empowering, and fast tracking my clients personal and professional growth, so they can be the light leaders the world needs now.

What does my coaching look and feel like?

I help you get clear about your intentions, goals, mission, and ideal client. Together we will co-create your website, products, services, and events. I work with you to design a personalized action plan for your business, with a step by step system to follow, and task manager to keep you focused.

I hold you accountable to your intentions and support you emotionally through the process. I am all about taking action effectively, and efficiently, so you can start bringing in cash flow immediately to support yourself and return substantially on your investment with me.

Most importantly, the root of all of my coaching is empowerment. Without building the inner confidence, resilience, and belief in yourself you are very limited in your capacity to grow personally and professionally. So, a large aspect of the foundation for business success I teach is focused on mindset and self worth.


“Its funny how, in just one month, you can let go of patterns that have been keeping you stuck for years and alter your whole perspective on what you are doing here. I started coaching with Amber based on my inner commitment to shift myself out of this holding pattern I’d been in around my business and my relationship to money. What I got was an entire re-orientation of my sense of self-worth, and a newfound trust in myself and process of life unfolding.

The things that used to make me feel hesitant or insecure about moving forward with my business, the really deep stuff like: Who am I to be doing this kind of work? Or who is going to want to pay me $200 for one of my necklaces? Or what if no one can afford to come on my retreat? Those stale worries have entirely lost their power over me in a way I can’t fully explain.

They have since been replaced with a sense of my own worthiness and a faith in the Universe to reflect back to me the love that I am putting out into the world through my work. I have discovered a wellspring of motivation in me that will never run dry.

The real blessing of my experience with Amber was nothing short of redefining my entire relationship to myself and to my work. I thought I was working with her to find clarity around my logo, but I really found clarity about my destiny. I thought I signed on to crystalize my business offerings, but I really crystallized my soul’s purpose. My experience of one month coaching with Amber was a vision quest that included web design and sales training. There are no words to express my deep gratitude! – Sabrina, Oregon

“I decided I was ready to make a major change in my life. I was tired of my job and was going through a major personal transformation. The stars aligned and the heavens parted to provide me with this opportunity at the perfect time. I needed to coaching/help starting an online business and I needed to detox my mind, body, and spirit.

Amber coached me out of fear and into my vision as a business owner and retreat leader. My first weekend of coaching I talked myself out of my business ideas because I had a lot of resistance around confidence in a new area. I’m an optometrist by training, could I really lead yoga retreats too? With the help of Amber I now know the answer is HELL YES! I have so much confidence in my preparation and abilities after my coaching.

My creativity came alive and my business, Fierce Clarity, went from dream to reality. I was able to build a beautiful website and bring my vision into the world. I planned and set up my first yoga retreat. I created content and a marketing plan and strategy. All things I wouldn’t have done without Amber’s expert guidance. Today, I am a healthy and happy business woman. I have learned what it takes to be a digital and conscious entrepreneur and I’m ready to step into that role more fully. I learned marketing, sales, and social media techniques I will use forever.

Since my coaching with Amber I have sold out three retreats, started teaching yoga and empowerment workshops throughout my home town of Houston, and launched the online program I began during my time with her. The most powerful takeaway I learned was that I am enough, I am whole, and I can do!” – Danielle, Texas

3 Month Quantum Kick Start

My starter package for all of my online business clients is designed to serve as a robust, in-depth, and powerful foundation for rapid growth. Beyond this package I offer month to month coaching for as long as you desire.

Fill out my application with as much detail as possible and I’ll get back to you within 24 hrs to set up an intro call. I look forward to connecting with you more and learning all about your business needs and goals.


  • 60 Min Zoom Coaching Session Per Week
  • 12 Zoom Coaching Sessions Total
  • Weekly Personalized Business Action Plan
  • Accountability & Check-In Emails on Monday’s & Friday’s
  • Online Task Master & Organizer
  • Video Recordings Of All Coaching Sessions

Topics covered depend on your unique business and goals. Below is an overview of what I teach my clients:

  • Branding & Logo Design
  • Website Design & Build on WordPress
  • Social Media Marketing Strategy & Content Creation
  • Email Marketing & List Building
  • Creating & Launching Online Programs
  • Workshops, Retreats, & Trainings Production
  • Sales Call Training & Automated Funnel Set Up
  • Videography & Photography For Marketing
  • Copywriting & Blogging
  • Mindset & Emotional Intelligence
  • Lifestyle Design & Time Management

Pricing: $5,500

Payment plans are available