Six Week Online Epic Business Academy

Begins July 15th, 2018

This super packed online business and self development course, that will quantum leap your income and impact, is what I wish I had 10 years ago when I first started EpicSelf. It would have saved me 100’s of thousands of dollars and years of precious time. I designed it for brand new entrepreneurs who need a step by step system AND established entrepreneurs who are eager to expand their work online and abroad. It fits into any busy schedule, from any corner of the globe, for a fraction of what 1:1 or group business coaching costs.

The Six Week Online Epic Business Academy is an automated course with weekly live group coaching calls. Each week covers a different overarching theme with 6 specific lessons. Each lesson provides a ton of information with one big action step/exercise for you to complete that day. Each action step will take between 30 mins – 1hr of your time to complete. As you know, action is the key to fast results, so we get right to work.

By the end of each week you will have completed a tremendous amount of to-do’s for your business that will rapidly accelerate your growth. By the end of the program you will have all the pieces in place and skills required to soar.

An additional personalized component are the live weekly group calls with me and your fellow students. I am here to guide and answer any questions you may have along the journey.

“What can I say except, WOW! Amber’s online Epic Academy helped me gain the self confidence and much needed clarity on my business.

The specific tools, strategies, and systems I learned are already changing everything about my business. I’m much more efficient now and have overcome my fear of sales! Thank you Amber!”

Lindsay, Vancouver

“After just the first four weeks of Amber’s academy I brought in three times what I paid for the program in one day of sales. Now that is return on investment! And I’m just getting started.

I am floored at how quickly these strategies and systems work. Thank you Amber for sharing your gifts with us all! I’m so grateful I can finally do what I love full time.”

Amanda, Costa Rica

“The Epic Academy was the best investment I’ve made thus far in my personal development and business. I’ve bought many online programs, but Amber’s method and structure was perfect for my learning style.

I really loved the live group calls every week! Amber answered all of my questions and helped me so much throughout the six weeks.”

Brandon, Texas

What’s Included

Week 1: Getting Clear

Lesson 1 – Create your Mission Statement

Lesson 2 – Design Your Products

Lesson 3 – Create Your Services

Lesson 4 – Choose A Business Model

Lesson 5 – Create Your Ideal Client Avatar

Lesson 6 – Write Your Ideal Lifestyle Design

We spend a lot of time here to ensure that your products and services act like a magnet to attracts the perfect clients for your incredible results and allows you to fill-up your calendar talking with the right prospects, which in-turn will add thousands of dollars to your bottom line quickly.

Week 2: Website

Lesson 1 – Master your Main Page Layout

Lesson 2 – Choose Site Colors

Lesson 3 – Make Your Site User Friendly

Lesson 4 – Design Your Logo 

Lesson 5 – How To Write Powerful Copy

Lesson 6 – Master Your Sales Pages Layout

Your website is your home base and the facade of your business online. It’s design and usability will make or break your success. You want to design your site so that it attracts your ideal client who can happily afford your products and services. It’s super important to qualify your clients and make sure they are the right fit for you!

Week 3: Coaching Packages & Programs

Lesson 1 – Solidify Your Coaching Packages

Lesson 2- Choose Proper Pricing

Lesson 3 – Set Up Automated Scheduling System

Lesson 4 – Create Your Application

Lesson 5 – Set Up Payment Processing

Lesson 6 – How to Get Fantastic Results For Your Clients

Its’ very important that you are charging what you are worth and leveraging your time and money with systems as much as possible. You want their experience as your customer/clients to be as seamless and powerful as possible. The success of your business will depend on your customers/clients results and outcomes of working directly with you, so we don’t leave any stone unturned here. 

Week 4: Workshops & Retreats

Lesson 1 – Define Your Events 

Lesson 2 – Set Up Your Budget & Spreadsheets

Lesson 3 – How To Write Easy Contracts

Lesson 4 – How To Choose Collaborators & Hire Staff 

Lesson 5 – Display Your Events On Your Website Site

Lesson 6 – How To Run A Production Efficiently 

I help you create remarkable experiences for your customers that will change their lives forever, while staying sane within the intensity of a production. I teach you how to make your events profitable and sustainable long term.

Week 5: Social Media Networks

Lesson 1 – Instagram Growth Strategy

Lesson 2 – Facebook Growth Strategy

Lesson 3 – How to Build Your Newsletter List Quickly

Lesson 4 – Content Creation For Social Media & Newsletters

Lesson 5 – How To Manage Your Time Effectively

Lesson 6 – Master Engagement On All Platforms

I teach you how to master marketing and drive immense traffic to your site to buy your products and services, while building a loyal tribe of like hearted people. It’s super important to learn how to be efficient and effective with your time on social media. Otherwise, it can quickly become a full time job. I teach you how to stay focused and strategic in all of your marketing efforts. 

Week 6: Marketing & Sales

Lesson 1 – Online Coaching Marketing Strategy

Lesson 2 – Online Workshop/Retreat Marketing Strategy

Lesson 3 – How To Build Your Tribe On Facebook 

Lesson 4 – Sales Calls Structure & Questions

Lesson 5 – How To Close The Sale Authentically

Lesson 6 – How To Qualify Your Clients/Customers

To be financially stable you’ll need to know exactly how to qualify your ideal client, and what to do to close the sale quickly. Learning how to close sales authentically and comfortably is one of the most important aspects of running your own business, so I spend a lot of time in this section breaking down how to get over your fear of sales forever with my proven system.

I chose these unique themes for each week because these are the most vital components for you to learn and use to grow your company quickly. There is no doubt this is what you are required to know to succeed at the elite level – the question is are you ready to take control of your destiny now OR will you to put off living your dream until some later, future date?

I have put my heart and soul into this course for you because I am on a mission to empower the light leaders of the future with everything they will need to make huge positive impact on the world. I am dedicated to serving you at the highest level with what I know you need to succeed, so you can do more fulfilling work that truly matters to you. This is the program that will help you accomplish your business goals so you can complete your grandest vision and mission in this life.

The First 10 People To Sign Up Will Also Receive…

Self Empowerment & Mindset Module

You can have all the business systems and strategies in the world at your finger tips, but if you don’t believe in yourself and re-wire your mind for success you’ll go nowhere fast. Personal growth is woven with business growth. In fact, they must expand together. Within this extra module is 6 powerful lessons, with action steps to complete, that will help you build your confidence, establish efficient habits, and adopt a new abundant mindset.

1 Hr VIP Consultation

During this session I will dive deep into all areas of your life to discover the areas to enhance and fine tune. I will provide you with a unique road map of action steps designed for you and your business as you build and grow. This consultation is recorded and sent to your inbox with your PDF action plan (Value $800)

Course Tuition


PayPal & Credit Cards Accepted

I’ve been through a lifetime of failures and tremendous successes. The information within this course didn’t take me months or even a few years to learn – it has literally been a decade plus of experience and implementation to get to this place. I teach what works in the real world.

If this online course resonates, and you are eager to join me on the journey, click the button below to schedule a 15 min personal call with me. I want to make sure this is the right program for you, and answer any questions you may have. Then we can get you enrolled and set up with all you’ll need to truly soar within this program.

Are you ready? If not now, then when? How long will you continue to let your excuses get in the way of your dreams? You were born more than capable for this journey. Otherwise you wouldn’t be here now. The question is do you believe? Let’s do this together!