Sitting Kills: This Will Make You Want To Move


How long have you been sitting today? If it's been more than 30 mins pop up right now and do at least 15 jumping jacks before you read this. Throw in a few side bends and roll downs while you're at it. - See more at:

Sitting Kills: This Will Make You Want To Move2016-11-28T00:07:32+00:00

Pilates For Geeks, Bloggers, And Anyone Who Sits At A Desk


Poor posture is the epidemic of modern society. Too much sitting hunched over computers and not enough movement. To prevent irreversible damage to your spine's shape and longevity use this quick pilates movement sequence to stretch open your tight shoulders and strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle. - See more at:

Pilates For Geeks, Bloggers, And Anyone Who Sits At A Desk2016-11-28T00:07:38+00:00

How To Improve Your Posture And Awareness In 5 Minutes


Whether you're trying to pick up a hottie across the bar, suffering from chronic low back pain, or simply don't want to end up with a hunch like your 80 year old great aunt, building perfect posture is vital. - See more at:

How To Improve Your Posture And Awareness In 5 Minutes2016-11-28T00:07:38+00:00


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