“And then the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful then the risk it took to blossom.”– Anais Nin

Are you ready for another year of endless possibility? Have you taken the time to reflect and set intentions for your future mind, body and spirit?
The time is now. There is no time like the present to decide you deserve to feel amazing. To sculpt the lifestyle that will deliver abundant energy, radiant longevity and ultimate happiness.
It begins with you. This moment. This thought. What are you saying to yourself that’s holding you back from living authentically? We unconsciously hold ourselves back out of fear. Fear of life. Fear of change. Fear of love. Fear of happiness. Fear of the unknown. Most people can’t comprehend how fantastic we were meant to feel because they haven’t done the inner exploration and work to unravel their self imposed walls.
Know that you have the ability to feel superhuman. All it takes is mindfulness and conscious decision making.
But, you must have a reason to be epic. Your why. Why care? Why live life to it’s fullest?
In my happy holiday vlog to you I share my why. This is me in my happy place. In magical Kauai with my family on vacation. I tried my best to unplug for the week, but if you were following my instagram you saw a live stream of pics in paradise. I uploaded all of my raw eats, jungle adventures and family pics on facebook for you as well. 
I have big plans for 2013 and hope to connect with you more intimately in my upcoming workshops, retreats, virtual classes, and programs. Together we can change the world. One mind, one body, one soul at a time. Be the change.
I’d love to hear from you in my vlog comments section.
Happy New Year!

