It’s sad, but true that alcohol is the main culprit in losing or even maintaining weight. Most people drink at least 1 drink per night. The problem is one leads to two and two leads to three. Pretty soon you’ve drunken your dinner’s worth of calories before you even eat.


 Enter what’s known as drunkorexia. No joke this is an actual disorder (well kind of) where those “afflicted” drink their calories instead of eating. Ummm yeeah, that’s healthy! Instead of limiting the number of drinks, just don’t eat. Bad idea!!! You’ll be on the liver donor list by age 35.


margaritaIf you’re serious about losing weight or for that matter not gaining weight from all those extra calories, consider cutting back a lot or at least switching your choice of drink.


Here’s the rundown on several favorites:
Beer/Non-Alcoholic Beer: 148 calories per pint
Light Beer: 99 calories per pint
Dry Wine: 106 calories per glass, including champagne
Sweet Wine: 220 calories per glass
80 proof liquor: 97 calories for a double shot
90 proof liquor: 110 calories for a double shot
By Mixed Drink
Light rum and diet coke: 110 calories
Bloody Mary: 140 calories
Gin and tonic: 100 calories
Pina colada: 262 calories
Whiskey sour: 122 calories
Cosmo: 99 calories
Long Island Iced Tea: 170 calories
Mojito: 111 calories
Martini: 99 calories


 As a rule of thumb, the sweeter the drink or liquor the higher in calorie. Lucky for us restaurants and bars across the country are now creating healthier, low cal drinks that incorporate organic fruits and even veggies instead of that crappy processed syrup. Keep your eyes peeled for these stellar bars in your area.


 In no way do you need to deprive yourself, but if you’re used to drinking every night, reduce your intake to a few glasses of lower calorie choices spread throughout the week. Clue into why you need to drink. Do you need a few to feel comfortable at a party? Or do you end up drinking just to unwind or de-stress at the end of the day? Try to swap the drinking with something that won’t negatively effect your health like these easy relaxation methods.
Calorie Source

