michael phelps gold medal winner 
Superstar Michael Phelps is pretty close to breaking his neck from the weight of all those gold medals. Shattering world records and earning himself the most gold medals in Olympic history will soon be checked off his life long to-do list. I just wonder what he’s going to do next? Just imagine the conversation when Phelps comes back to the states and his mom looks at him from across the dinning room table and says, “So what now?…because damn Michael you’re such a slacker.”
So what’s a day like in Michael’s shoes? “Eat, sleep, and swim. That’s pretty much all I can do.” Phelps told NBC. When you’re in the pool training for six hours a day the calories expended have to be replaced, stat! This guy eats a whopping 12,000 calories a day just to have enough energy to train and compete at his close-to-godliness level. Compare that to the average guy’s caloric intake of 2,000 a day. Phelps first thought when hopping out of the water.. “get some calories into my system and try to recover the best I can.” Here’s a quick rundown of his gold winning diet…
michael phelps gold winning diet
 Whatever you do, don’t try it at home! Even with all that crap in his diet…look at those abs. He is a lean machine!

