All we can do is our best, but sometimes we need a little kick in the a#$ to get us off the couch. Take some advice from three of the most influential and iconic women in the performing arts. They inspire us all to live our dreams and fulfill our true potential in life. Click on each woman’s name to learn more about her tremendous life, passion, and drive.

Everyone should know these amazing women!


Martha Graham: “The only sin is mediocrity. You are unique, and if that is not fulfilled, then something has been lost.


 twyla tharp


Twyla Tharp: “I think that anyone who’s pushed to do the very best that they can is privileged. It’s a luxury.”


Madonna: I am my own experiment. I am my own work of art. We are who we think we are, so be the person you want to be.


 Most importantly, just be.

