Over the last few years yoga of all forms has become wildly popular and mainstream here in the US. If you haven’t tried it, you know someone who has or at least have some understanding of what yoga is all about. At least here in San Francisco, you’d be hard pressed to miss the hundreds of yoga studios blanketing the city. And for that matter, all the sweaty, mat carrying, peaceful individuals walking away from their weekly classes.
In our insanely fast paced and frankly overworked society, people are seeking the mind, body, and spiritual awareness you develop and practice with yoga. Most people know yoga as an individual tradition, but what if you had a partner to feed off of?

partner yoga
Welcome to partner yoga! The latest innovation in yoga classes. While any typical yoga class has you working on your own, partner yoga classes have you pair up with a friend to deepen the work and cultivate trust, connection and playfulness. AcroYoga, an internationally touring group of yogis based in San Francisco, developed a fusion of partner and acrobatic yoga that seriously takes the physicality of yoga to the next level. Their highest aim is to, “bring individuals into a state of union with themselves, with each other, and with the divine. From this place of mutual support the true self can be realized, honored and shared for the benefit of all.”
partner yoga
Sounds awesome right?! So, while you might not be able to take a class from these yogis anytime soon, there’s no reason you can’t try to pick up some great poses from their website. Check out their gallery here and this amazing video from the 2007 San Francisco Yoga Journal Conference!
Let’s partner up! Get connected and build trust with a good friend or significant other. I’ve definitely got to take advantage of the opportunity to actually take classes from AcroYoga. Anyone want to join?! Have fun and enjoy!

