Ever have one of those days where everything goes right? You scored the promotion at work, finally talked to the hottie at the coffee shop, or just made a conscious effort to be positive and optimistic. You walk in the door and are bombarded by your roommate or significant other ranting and raving about how crappy their day was… and soon enough they boot you off of your happy cloud. While others have every right to vent their frustrations, why should their negative energy effect your spirit?

 The key to maintaining your optimistic internal self is to learn how best to react to negative energy and stressors around you. Next time someone tries to drag you into their abyss try these simple tactics:
1. Don’t Let Them Rain On Your Parade: Make an effort to realize that the other person is obviously going through something and doesn’t know any other way to deal with it besides dumping it on you. While you want to be supportive their emotions and drama should not drain or negatively effect your internal space. Choose to keep yourself emotionally detached.

2. Lend An Ear: Be supportive by listening and helping them pull the positives out of the situation. Your positive energy will lighten the mood. Continuing to hash out their problem by adding your own will only cause a huge downward spiral. Remember that energy flows where attention goes. So make the focus up beat.

3. Walk Away: When all else fails, wait to talk until they have cheered up. If despite all the support you offer they still insist on remaining pissed then separate yourself. Even in the other room is enough. Only they can make the decision to switch their attitude and mind frame.
Everyday IS a perfect day, we just need to change the way we emotionally and thoughtfully approach every situation. By deflecting negative energy from others you’ll be on your way to one delightful day!

