How does worry and stress invade your blissful existence daily? Do you know how to master your stress response? Can you watch it come and go in your thoughts and chose how to react best to it?

More importantly, do you have self created internal techniques that you rely on to ease the onslaught of external stressors?
While most of us think of stress as a purely external pressure from the outside world, we create internal stress, anxiety and worry for ourselves through habitual thought. Endless negative feedback loops of thought are a waste of positive brain power and focus.
My hope is to teach you how to stop worrisome thoughts before they keep you up all night and prevent you from focusing your intention on things that really matter. Watch and learn my top seven internal self dialogue techniques in my video series.
Many times we aren’t even aware of what worry/stress looks and feels like in our unique mind and body, nor what causes it. Our senses are bombarded the moment we leave the womb. That blaring computer screen light, background street noise, dehydration and poor posture habits that seem insignificant are actually increasing the stress on your nervous system this very moment. That’s where lifestyle design and feng shui basics come into play.
We cannot always reduce our external stress through artfully designing our environments and lifestyle, but can completely control and master how to react to stress within our minds and bodies. For example, have you ever noticed how a work stressor causes you to tense your shoulders or clench your jaw?

The body, mind and spirit are an ecosystem of feedback mechanisms that can either assist each other in increasing the collective stress response or quickly dissolve it as though it never existed.
Below are several daily rituals and techniques I use to stay cool as a cucumber under stress and when worrisome thoughts invade.
For the body… 

1. Breathe deeply first thing in the morning- five count inhales and exhales. Allow these breathes to cleanse you from the inside out like an internal shower. “Inhale who you are, exhale who you think you are.”
2. Blast music and dance how your body reacts to it.
 3. Melt muscle tension in a warm bath.
4. Wear comfy loose clothes.
5. Open and close the day with stretching or yoga postures. Clean your cobwebs out!
6. Move your body every hour at least.
7. Smile even if you don’t feel like it.
8. Feed your cells the best food available. Nutrient dense, whole plant foods.
9. Drink fresh mineral spring water.
10. Practice your favorite activity. The one that makes your hear jump in pure ecstasy! 

11. Unclench your jaw and eyebrows.

For the monkey mind… 

1. Watch your thoughts. Awareness first! 

2. Remember that every moment of life = infinite possibility. 

3. Plan for success- prep meals, plan workouts, set intentions. 

4. Throw planning to the wind and accept the present moment as it comes. 

5. Eliminate expectations of situations and people. Chose carefully who you spend time with.

 6. Work on adaptability and fear barrier blasting by throwing yourself into a new experiences. 

7. Remember there is no stability, only constant change. It’s how you react and adapt in the present moment that matters most. 

8. Remember the good in people. Humans are loving creatures by design. Show compassion and trust and you’ll receive the same. Put out what you hope to receive. 

9. Set intentions for your day in the morning. 

10. Chose at least one thing to be grateful for before you hit the sheets for bed. 

11. Repeat a self love mantra as you drift to sleep like, “I am worthy, content, and abundant!”
What you do to the body reflects in the mind and visa versa. Both mind and body are watched, experienced and governed by the spirit. Rest like a calm pool deep within and chose what you allow seep in. You have control and endless freedom. Use it wisely!

What are your favorite ways to reduce worry every day? Which of the above ways will you utilize to react to stress better?

Join me in the inspiring twitter discussion this Thursday for a chance to win a $1,000 gift card to Target. Remember to use the hashtag: #SprintUnlimited. See you on twitter! 

