Toro sashimi dangled from my chopsticks as I sat gingerly on a bar stool gearing up for my much anticipated viewing of Avatar. Since it’s Christmas debut the futuristic Fern Gully has grossed close to $700 million dollars.

In Australia there was a 3 month delay in movie releases so I had no idea this flick even existed. After hearing one spectacular review after another I knew I needed to see it in all it’s mind bending glory and spend the $20 bucks on the 3D iMax version. And though my butt lost all feeling at the 2 1/2 hour mark, flying through the rainforest on the back of a technicolor dragon bird pretty much made my week.

While the special effects and imagination behind the film are awe inspiring enough, what excited me the most was the vital ecological message that’s reaching millions.
The fact that people from around the globe are beginning to see the significance of our connection to all organisms is incredible. Our ties to the planet and each other is an awareness I am constantly trying to build in myself and spread to others through my writing here on Epicself.
Cultivating mindfulness and awareness with our environment, each other and ourselves is the first seed to sprout mass change. This was the Na’vi’s advantage. Their deep awareness and sensory perception was what the blue humanoids had to teach the human. They had to teach him to see, to feel, to be present.
Here are some easy ways to start your own Na’vi awareness training today:

Awareness with nature:
-Take shoes off and feel the floor. Wiggle your toes in the carpet or brush your sole against the hardwood floor. Become a bare foot walker.
-Open the window and smell the crisp air.
-Go for a walk under trees and look up often.
-Drive by the ocean, lake or river and watch carefully.
-Run on trails, rock climb or go camping.
-Watch the sunrise or sunset.
Give your pets true attention.

Awareness with others:
-Smile at every person you walk by today.
-Compliment someone and mean it.
-Give hugs and kisses away by the truck loads.
Learn the art of listening.

Awareness with yourself:
-Take several breaths and just allow the mind to watch.
 -Sit still and focus on a single point or object.
-Repeat a positive mantra.
-Shake it on the dance floor uninhibited until dawn.
 –Add Pilates principles to your workout to increase intensity.
What impact did Avatar have on you? I personally walked out of the theater inspired more than ever to promote the benefits of mindfulness and it’s impact on our future.
This morning I took a 5 minute shower and walked to the farmers market after a self yoga practice as part of my own “Na’vi” training.
Small steps…small steps.

