Skiing the gorgeous Powder Mountain in Utah this week with my favourite humans has been extremely nourishing on every level. Though I was a little anxious about how he’d do on his first flight, travelling with Wilder has been a breeze. He’s thoroughly enjoyed the change of scenery and playtime with all of our friends.

Today I spent about 8 hours away from Wilder to hit the slopes for the first time in 15 years. We hired a local nanny to watch the two baby boys in our group. This was the longest stretch I’ve spent away from him since he was born.

Since Wilder is breastfeeding every 2 hours throughout the day, and I don’t have a ton of extra milk, my freedom has been limited.

If you know me, you know freedom is extremely important to me. So this aspect of being a new mama has been hard to accept and embrace.

I played hard, laughed until my belly hurt, and felt ultimate freedom flying down the mountain with JP.

I crashed a few times but smiled through the falls as I figured out how to control my skis again. Being fully immersed in the majestic snowy mountains was pure bliss. Nature is my medicine. Riding the chair lifts through the trees with panoramic views of the peaks was SO peaceful.

The Ultimate Highlight

The ultimate highlight of our ski adventure in Utah was carving the slopes with my love for 4 hrs. As new parents, it’s super rare that we get a few hours away from Wilder to be together. Having time to reconnect and remember who we are individually and collectively away from the baby has been a saving grace to our bond.

Navigating the highs and lows of the 4th-trimester postpartum chapter has definitely strained our relationship. As I know many couples experience.

We are learning on a daily basis on how to better communicate and support each other through this massive life transition.

But no matter how hard it gets, I’m forever grateful that @awakenwithjp and I are deeply committed to our relationship. We are both willing to do the internal work required to grow in all the ways we desire.

This trip was a wonderful reset for us. We flew home with our cups bubbling over with love feeling deeply reconnected.

Wilder did incredibly well travelling with our group for the first time. As a Sagittarius baby, it’s not surprising that he adores travel as much as we do.

I can’t wait for our next family vacation. We are already planning our next trip!


Much Love,

Amber Sears – Online Coaching & Training
Follow me on Instagram & Facebook!

