After 10 years, the nation€s premier green living event is finally stopping in LA! The weekend-long festival of eco seminars, sustainable food and the best green shopping of the year offers up ten stages and pavilions with incredible lineups. Including the one and only Marianne Williamson, internationally acclaimed author of Return to Love. Does this ring a bell?

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we’re liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” (A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of “A Course in Miracles”, Harper Collins, 1992. From Chapter 7, Section 3])
I have been a die hard fan of her work for years! As a social media maven
I had the ultimate privilege to interview the gorgeous Marianne before she speaks at the festival next weekend. Below are her candid answers to my most burning questions.
Amber: How do you take care of yourself physically, spiritually and nutrition wise every day. Do you have a particular routine? A way of eating you abide by?
Marianne: I try to eat well (I’m not a vegetarian but I’m leaning that way), get enough exercise (mainly yoga), and do a lesson from A Course in Miracles every day. Most of all, I try to be self-disciplined with my thoughts. It’s our thoughts that matter most, and all the rest falls into line behind that: if I remember who I really am and why I’m on the earth, then I more naturally want to treat my body like a temple and so forth. I realize that everyone I meet and every situation I find myself in is there for a reason, and I try my best to rise to whatever the occasion represents. I don’t always succeed, but I try.
Amber: What’s the first thing everyone can start doing today to create their most epic self or evolve their consciousness and awareness? How will this save the planet?
Marianne: Forgive anyone you still haven’t forgiven.
Amber: What’s your mantra?
Marianne: Whatever my lesson for A Course in Miracles is that day.
Amber: What can we expect from your Greenfest LA speech: The Earth Won’t Change If We Don’t Change?
Marianne: No matter what I write or speak about, it always has some connection to how our spiritual understanding impacts the world we live in. Sustainability is a holistic proposition, challenging all of us not only to change our behavior but to change our very thoughts. From the way we treat the earth to the way we treat each other, history now invites humanity to leap forward in a fundamental and monumental way. As we do so both inner and outer resistance increase. And thats when you know the games have begun.
She will also be joined in dialogue by Musician Jesse Carmichael of Maroon 5!
Amber: What’s your definition of health?.
Marianne: A reverent attitude toward body, mind and spirit.
Amber: How have you made a living doing what you love? What are three action steps people can use today to live their authentic passionate self?
Marianne: Find God, however you understand Him. Pray each day to be used as an instrument of love. Seek to judge less and accept more.
Amber: Have you tried pilates or yoga? What was your experience?
Marianne: I have, and I’m a big fan of both!
Amber: What makes you want to cry and laugh at the same time?
Marianne: Love.
Amber: What are your hopes and fears for our future?
Marianne: My hope is that humanity succeeds in making a giant evolutionary leap into the fullness of our potential. My fear is what will happen if we don’t make it quickly enough.
Wonderful wise words from one of the most inspiring woman on the planet! I’m giggling inside as I read through her answers. I find that almost everything I write for Epicself comes down to thoughts. Whether I’m writing or teaching about nutrition, pilates, green living or meditation, all topics simmer down to self thought and intention.

We have the opportunity to make massive change in our world and it begins in our thoughts right now.
In light of the mass Occupy Wall Street demonstrations around the country Marianne spoke most recently at OccupyLA. Here is her vital message..

Will you be in LA Halloween weekend?! Then you’ll have to come say hi, hear Marianne speak, enjoy live music and delicious vegan gazpacho in the Organic Food Court, find that sage brush candle and organic cotton mini-dress you’ve been coveting in the Green Marketplace, and head to the organic beer and wine garden to sample the best California has to offer all with people who share your passion for green living.
Though this is the first time that LA’s green community will experience the landmark festival, Green Festival is celebrating a phenomenal ten-year run with over one million attendees in eight cities. Buy tickets online for only $10 and don’t miss out on the wealth of information, education, and inspiration! You can also volunteer as I have done in the past.
You can find me roaming the booths, hanging from yoga gyms and riding electric bikes like last year. See you there!

