JP and I were at brunch talking about all the highlights and lowlights of 2021 and the biggest lessons we’ve learned.

This year was a roller coaster of extremes for both of us. SO many lessons learned! I feel like I could write a book on the transformation I’m still undergoing.

Ebbs and Flows

Watching Wilder grow and spending so much time with him this year was the top of my highlight list.

I will never regret taking most of the year off of work and away from my business. It helped me become present for him and my own motherhood journey. What a blessing to have so much bonding time.

2nd on my list was watching JP step into fatherhood and be the most incredible dad for our little guy.

My lowlights of 2021 were centred around our challenges as a couple trying to navigate this first year being parents.

We knew we were in for a bumpy ride from what we had heard from experts and other parents, but no one could prepare us for the radical shifts within this huge life transition.

I’m very grateful we decided to hire a phenomenal relationship coach when Wilder was about 4 months old. Our weekly work with our coach gave us the communication skills and tools to support each other as we rode the waves together.


My biggest lesson learned again and again over the last 12 months was to prioritize myself and ask for what I want and need.

Selflessly serving and giving to my family is a big part of being a mom, but self-sacrificing too much never ends well.

It was much more challenging to find time to take care of my needs and do things that are really important to me, like dance, writing & teaching.

I learned AGAIN that self-care has to be my #1 priority above everything else in order to be able to serve everyone and everything else at my highest capacity. I also learned how to clearly ask for the help/support I need in order to be able to take care of myself.

Mom guilt is real. I’d never before experienced guilt for taking time away for self-care. Now I get why it can feel so hard for mamas to carve out the time.

I’m curious what was your biggest lesson learned this year? Tell me all about it!

Photo by Jeana Marino


Much Love,

Amber Sears – Online Coaching & Training
Follow me on Instagram & Facebook!

