Wow! I can’t believe I’m already at the end of my EpicSelf Fellowship experience. It was a whirlwind but I’m so happy with my decision to come. I heard about the fellowship in April via an email since I was on Amber’s subscribed list. I decided I was ready to make a major change in my life. I was tired of my job and was going through a major personal transformation. The starts aligned and the heavens parted to provide me with this opportunity at the perfect time. I needed to coaching/help starting an online business and I needed to detox my mind, body, and spirit.

This experience has been amazing! I’ve seen some of the most gorgeous places and developed an arsenal of vegan recipes. I feel connected with my body from the diet and I feel very clear. Mentally, physically, and spiritually this experience has been a reset for me. Being immersed in nature has recalibrated my energy over this past month. We went to Nauyaca Waterfalls and something drastically shifted within me. I laid on a rock at the falls and just felt the sun on my skin. It was a true meditation and a magic moment; literal bliss. I felt so connected to the Earth and so small! I felt held and supported and 100% relaxed. From this space I received ideas and inspiration for my business. I feel like the Earth used its jumper cables to rev me up to fully step into my power and next chapter.

Amber and Daniel have coached me out of fear and into my vision as a business owner and retreat leader. My first weekend I talked myself out of my business ideas because I had a lot of resistance around confidence in a new area. I’m an optometrist by training, could I really lead yoga retreats too? With the help of Amber and Daniel I now know the answer is HELL YES! I have so much confidence in my preparation and abilities after this fellowship.

My main challenge was the schedule and Initially I found the it to be overwhelming. Before I came I read past fellows blogs and stalked Amber’s Instagram to get an idea of what the fellowship experience would be like. A common thread was everyone said the fellowship was “hard work”. I was unsure how there could be hard work in a tropical paradise but I definitely learned! The schedule was challenging because we had a full day packed with yoga/pilates class, coaching, EpicSelf assignments, and then our spare time in the evening for working on our coaching homework and businesses. I hadn’t been super active before I came so it took a few days for my body to get used to walking/moving so much. I was tired in the evenings but had a long list of To-Do items which was stressful. My Type A personality would make me feel like I needed to get everything done all the time but it just wasn’t possible. I had to find a way to better use my time. Eventually I got faster with my blog writing and reformatting which freed up a bit. Additionally, after the first week I made self-care a higher priority. Sometimes that meant relaxing in the evenings and doing work in the mornings.

Once I got my schedule figured out, my attitude turned around! I found I was able to enjoy mid day beach trips and take breaks to find inspiration. My creativity came alive and my business, Fierce Clarity, went from dream to reality. I was able to build a beautiful website and bring my vision into the world. I planned and set up my first yoga retreat to be held April 28-May 1, 2017 in Alujuela, Costa Rica. I created content and a marketing plan and strategy. All things I wouldn’t have done had I not come to this Fellowship.

I leave here with a new sense of self. I am a healthy and happy business woman. I have learned to listen to my body and will continue to nourish it with high vibrational food. I have learned what it takes to be a digital and conscious entrepreneur and I’m ready to step into that role. I’ve learned marketing, sales, and social media techniques I will use once I’m home. The biggest lesson is that I’ve learned I am enough, I am whole, and I can do it!


