Fall is here and winter is just around the corner, which means only one thing…prepare for cold and flu season. The autumn and winter months bring cold, windy conditions which for thousands of years has been known to increase the likelihood of catching a cold or flu.
Instead of waiting until you’ve got a nasty cold to do something about it, pick up some preventative tips that will have you sitting by the fire enjoying your vibrant health. There are plenty of over the counter drugs to deal with cold and flu symptoms, but they don’t actually get to the root of the problem, a low immune system. Holistic and natural approaches seek to strengthen the body’s defenses as well as help with symptoms if they occur. Here are my top 5 holistic ways to stay cold and flu free this season:
bundle up1. Bundle Up: When it’s cold and especially windy outside make sure to keep yourself protected from the elements with cozy coats, hats, gloves and scarves. Why’s reducing your exposure to cold important? Well, Traditional Chinese Medicine considers colds and flu€s to be,
“Exterior conditions that have a sudden onset triggered by external environmental influences such as wind, cold, heat or damp; in most cases, wind combines with either cold or heat, and affects the skin, the mucous membranes of the nasal passages and lungs, and their immunity. At this point viruses, germs, or other pathogens can establish themselves.”~ Paul Pitchford, Healing with Whole Foods
There is also an emphasis in wearing scarves to protect the back of the neck, which is understood to be more susceptible to cold conditions.
2. Wash Those Germs Away: Wash your hands frequently, especially after touching public bathroom doorknobs and shopping carts…ewww! If you can’t wash, tote an anti-bacterial hand sanitizer. Some grocery stores like Trader Joes are even offering anti-bacterial wipes at the front door to wipe down those germy carts, so keep a look out.
3. Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle: There is no better way to boost your immune responses then by eating whole foods, fitting in daily exercise, and sleeping well. A balanced mind, body, and spirit will have the defenses necessary to ward off those debilitating colds. This also means watching how much alcohol and other toxins your consuming, which will only tax your system. Hard over the holidays…I know!
tea for colds
4. Drink Tea And Other Remedies: Wonder teas like Echinacea and elderflower are well known to help boost the immune system and fight off colds. Ginger tea is also a great remedy to expel viruses and colds, due to its expansive warming quality. Add honey or lemon for added benefit. Of course taking vitamin C is also a sure fire way to help build defenses. I personally drink an Airborne or EmergenC everyday, which has dramatically changed my health. I take mass transit everywhere and am in physical contact with people everyday through dance. All the colds that went ramped through my group I thankfully avoided. To stay cold free I start drinking the tea’s mentioned above once or more a day when I first come in contact with someone sick.
5. Make An Attitude Adjustment: Those with a positive outlook on life are known to live longer healthier lives. The mind, body and spirit are connected, meaning that how we think, feel and act affects our body and visa versa. If you think, “she/he caught that horrible flu, I’ll probably be next,” your creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt and try not to fall into a victim mentality.
I hope these tips will have you staying warm and healthy this winter!

