If you’re in the process of looking for a new job or hoping for that big promotion, up your odds by making your home ready to accept opportunity.

The front door is the mouth of chi flow, where chi travels in and out of the home. To make sure opportunities come knocking on your door it’s essential to welcome chi with a clutter free, noticeble entrance.
The ideal pathway to your front door is wider at the street end and narrower at the door, creating a gentle curve. If your path is stick straight chi will flow too quicly, so place some flowers or a windchime near the front stoop to slow down the flow.
Make sure to keep trees and shrubs pruned and move all other obstacles, like toys, recycling bins, etc… otherwise you may feel like your life is an obstacle course.
For apartment dwellers who don’t have a walk-up path, try painting your door a bright, standout color to attract chi.
Also make sure to always use the front door to access your home, otherwise opportunity will not know where to knock. Replacing or fixing your house/apartment number will also clear up any confusion as to where opportunity should arrive.
Making these subtle changes to your entry way may bring that job to you. Happy job hunting! 
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