The Sun will rise and set regardless. What we choose to do with the light while it’s here is up to us. What we choose to do with our own unique light matters most. You were born a leader. Whether you known it or not you are a beacon and magnet of hope for others and the planet. You are the change we need.

Are you listening to your intuition and heart? Are you sharing all of your presence?

Express what simple words can’t convey. Embody your ethics in action. Hold space for others. Create your journey and choose wisely who you play with. Radiate love, ride the high vibes, and attract the same.

We are all in this together. You are not alone. Don’t be afraid to look in someone’s eyes and see their soul. You might feel their pain or sense their joy. It’s okay to feel those things in your heart and develop compassion. We need each other. We need connection. We are simply vibrations and reflections. It’s when we are not connected and present with each other that we lose ourselves.

Connect and remember you are always loved, and supported.

When you forget, which we all do, come home to your breath, to this moment, to this body, in this life and be grateful. Reflect on how far you’ve come and where you intend to be. Become aware of all of you in this exact moment. Accept yourself without judgement.

Decide to open your heart, align with the universe, sync in, flow, and receive all of the wonderful things coming your way. Let go of the self doubt and fear. Believe that you are deserving and enough ?

?This gorgeous capture was taken by @theeternalbloom the morning after our Ayahuasca retreat ceremony. A stunning peacock relaxing next to the soul vine ?

