Alright, so it’s been a while. I hear ya! Life has been a whirlwind of cosmic proportions. So thanks in advance for bearing with me. I wish I could share all that I am going through during my travels, but I honestly have no clue how to start. As much as I have diligently tried to scour every town I pass through for reliable wifi connections, occasionally sitting at McDonalds for three hours trying to download a podcast with their swiss cheese free wifi, I can only do so much. Something I am learning to accept and roll with.

Today I sit at a hostel in Noosa, a small surf town nestled on the North East Coast of Australia. My hometown for the next month before I head South to Sydney and beyond. A nomad existance is an understatement. I blasted out of my somewhat stable life in Melbourne about 5 weeks ago, ripping myself away from my passions in exchange for a true outback adventure.

A swap I had to do for my own sanity at the time. I wondered what life was like on the outside of the dance world. What would I do if I couldn’t just hop into a modern class or practice a simple ballet barre? Would life seize to exist? As I have found it does to some extent.
Before now I wrote endlessly about the importance of following your passions, yet didn’t know how to follow all of mine. Deep down I wanted to challenge my ideas. Prove to myself that I could exist without dance being a central force in my life and swap it for some much needed exploring. I knew that the world awaited me. The clown fish in the Great Barrier reef needed a swim buddy, the outback stars needed to be slept under, and the rainforest needed my bare feet to tread on it’s damp soil. 

Balance, is all I can mutter at this point.
A tipping point was breeched. Too much travel, not enough passion. For some people travel is their fulfillment. The sights, sounds and tastes of a new locale is enough. I have met hundreds of these types. Willing to do just about anything for a new experience and adventure, even if that means scrubbing toilets in exchange for free stay on a dive boat on the outer reef. Now that takes passion!
I love it! It has kept a smile on my face, yet reminds me of my own deep passions and how much I miss breathing dance, teaching and writing. I am happy to report that I am finally finding a balance in my world of extremes. And I can’t thank you enough for sharing the ride with me. 

Keep reading and I’ll keep writing…deal?!
Cheers for now from Noosa,
Amber Zuckswert

