exercising with wii
Exercise from video games? What was once just a finger muscle building exercise has now launched into a full body sweat-a-thon! According to latest reports, gamers can burn up to 1,800 calories from 12 hours of play time (which is the average among gamers per week). A UK study also described Wii and video games in general, as great tools for increasing dexterity for people like surgeons who must work quickly with their hands.

jessica alba workout with wii
Even Jessica Alba has jumped on board. She was recently quoted saying she uses the Wii to burn calories beyond her normal fitness routine and nutrition plan.

The Wii offers yet another way to get moving and have fun while doing it! The old treadmill can’t offer that. Nintendo is even coming out with a new game called Wii Fit that will have you doing squats and lunges with an electronic personal trainer. Finding a workout that’s enjoyable will make you more likely to stick to it. So pick up a Wii!!

