Since moving to Los Angeles, Victoria Beckham has adopted some stellar health habits. The rail thin star was notorious for eating a limited diet of mainly soups and edamame (!) and working out on occasion. But since moving to the sunshine state where gyms abound, Posh has started running and eating more because of it. Victoria explains:
I run four miles, seven days a week, she explains. I feel energized and healthy there are really nice gyms here and I just enjoy it. I need that self-discipline to get up in the morning, drop the kids off at school then go to the gym. And yes, I am eating more. I think you do eat more when you’re working out. And you want to eat healthily, so its good all round.

I can see how the move to southern California would influence her. Sunshine basically 365 days a year allows people to be active outside. It’s just part of the daily lifestyle.
She’s right on about the need to eat well in order to keep up with a new fitness regime. Exercising not only makes you feel good, but makes you more aware of your overall health. When you push your body to it’s limits you begin to understand how the food you consume directly effects how the body functions day to day. I’m just glad she’s treating her body with more respect. Running four miles a day is dedication. Keep it up girl!

