By now we are all on the veggie boat. Study after study has shown the importance of eating a colorful variety of vegetables and fruit daily. Those juicy nutrient rich, antioxidant packed fruits and veggies are all we need, right? Well… not quite.

We can’t forget about the large, yet underutilized, group of sea vegetables. The seaweeds and marine algae!
These “plants” or vegetables of the sea have long been considered to increase longevity, prevent disease, and impart beauty and health. The most widely used and available types of seaweed include nori (used for sushi…yummm!), kombu, kelp, dulce, and Irish moss. Spirulena, Chlorella and Blue-green algae are also readily found in a powdered supplement form or as an ingredient in green drinks like my favorite Superfood, by Odwalla.
So what is it about these slimy and somewhat unappetizing seaweeds that make them so magnificent?
seaweed harvestLet’s put it this way, seaweed contains more calcium than milk, more iron than beef, and more protein than eggs. All varieties are rich with micronutrients and minerals only found in the sea. Meaning you can’t get these vital nutrients from any other source, including land plants.
Traditionally, these vegetables of the sea are said to dissolve tumors, detoxify heavy metals, reduce water retention, and aid in weight loss. These wonder greens are also touted to aide in preventing cancer. 
One of the few ways I get my seaweed fix is by enjoying a killer wakame salad. Here’s a simple recipe to try tonight. I also love to pick up some nori at Whole Foods and roll fresh sushi with a small bowl of miso on the side. Look for baggies of various types of seaweed at your local health food store and crumble it over a salad or mix it into a spicy stir-fry. Soaking instructions usually come on the package. If you haven’t tried seaweed before don’t be put off by looks. Dive in!
Resource: Secrets Of Longevity: Hundreds of Ways To Live To Be 100, by Dr. Maoshing Ni

