Wow it’s been a crazy month! I’ve been busy as a bumble bee traveling, teaching, dancing and creating. Apologies for lack of consistency in my posts, but today I am proud to unveil one of my latest top secret projects. A pilates, yoga, surf retreat! 

As the meandering nomad I am, I can’t help but dig up new ways to incorporate my passions into continent hopping. Teaching abroad in Australia last year was incredible, but now it’s time to take it to the next level. All inclusive retreats in paradise!
Bali, Mexico, India, Brazil, Thailand and Spain are just a few of the countries, on my list, that harbor decadent retreats to lavish your every need.

 Whether you melt at the thought of a massage on a private Balinese beach, yearn for a week of detox and rejuvanation in the Amazon, or want to escape to shape up your mind, body, spirit balance, the options available now days are endless!
The hustle, bustle of everyday life is overwhelming. I constantly battle with giving myself permission to just do nothing. To take a complete day off and rest. I honestly schedule my time off every week so I make sure I don’t skip those precious hours of rejuvenation. When we take that simple break it only invigorates our drive more. Igniting more energy and passion for our work. Balance is essential.
I sometimes find myself not knowing what to do with myself when I have a day off. How can I not know how to relax? This is madness! 

Learning to relax is as much of a skill as learning to work hard. It takes time and practice. How do you practice?
My need for balance definitely includes vacations to gorgeous locations. Even if it’s a train ride down the California coast to sit among the redwoods. Which is exactly why I teamed up with my yogi dear friend Tyler Lavigne to put together an all inclusive retreat in Mexico this October!
Last time
I visited San Diego, I teamed up with @Sunfood and gave away some awesome raw superfood goodie bags, but Tyler and I also brainstormed all weekend to put together an all inclusive retreat that we ourselves would love to attend. 

Sandy white beaches, killer surf, beach bungalows, organic gourmet meals, pilates and yoga classes all day, jungle adventures and hanging with fantastic people, topped our list.
We decided to partner with
Present Moment Retreat Center in Troncones, Mexico, one of the top ten yoga retreats in the world. Tyler spent a few months surfing Troncones breaks and powering through asanas at Present Moment’s beach side studio last year. He flipped over the retreat center and swore he’d be back.

So we are going back in a big way! Won’t you join in the fun?! For more information on our retreat specifics and pricing check out my retreat page.
When was the last time you took a vacation? Do you try to get away every few weeks? What is your favorite way to practice relaxing?!

