couple looking behindEver feel uneasy when sitting with your back to the door? You are definitely not alone! Sitting where you can’t see the door makes everybody feel vulnerable and tense on a subconscious level. Not knowing who (or what!) is coming into the room is disturbing enough, plus all the ch’i entering the room is directly hitting your back. If your primary furniture such as your bed, coach, desk or stove are positioned facing away from a room’s entrance, it will subtly add more stress to your daily life. Just what we all need, right?! Shifting your major furniture to the Command Position will have you feeling more at ease and in command of the room and your life.
command position bed
The “Command Position” simply means placing furniture so that you have a clear view of main doorway into a given space. Having a solid wall behind you for support and pushing the furniture to the side of the main ch’i pathway add to the effectiveness. This usually is diagonally across from the door. If you can’t rearrange furniture into the command position for one reason or another, place a mirror in such a way that you will be able to see the doorway in it’s reflection. If your having trouble sleeping, putting your bed in the command position could be the answer. Try it out!

Want to learn more about Feng Shui basics? Click here for more fun tips and simple Feng Shui guidelines to making your home a comfortable oasis.

