Walking down any isle of skin care products is enough to make my head spin. There are so many damn bottles to choose from, how do you know which lotion is better than another? With all those flashy health claims plastered to the front of every bottle no wonder we are all confused and a little weary.


The skin is the largest organ of the body and acts as a germ barrier in our bodies defense system, among other vital functions. It absorbs everything, including all the chemical crap that most skin care is filled with. Your best bet in the quest for radiant, glowing skin is to stick with a line that is crafted from natural (preferably organic) ingredients, and is paraben free. Paraben’s are controversial preservatives that have been found to mimic estrogen and therefore increase one’s risk for breast cancer.


After scouring the internet I found a great skin care line called Pure Fiji. The exotic-themed range was originally created by a mother and daughter who experimented with mixing fresh, organic ingredients from the island into natural soaps and beauty products. And even now, the ingredients used in the products come solely from the land, natural produce is carefully hand picked and blended by the local community and profits are used to support the Fijian villages.
pure fiji


Not only is this a community enhancing, eco conscious brand, you will smell awesome too! The five fragrances available are Coconut, Star fruit, Passionflower, Frangipani, Mango, Ginger Lily and Pineapple.
Is this stuff really that great? Just ask Jessica Alba or Rachel Hunter who use Pure Fiji skin care to achieve their gorgeous glow.
pure fiji

