If you follow my twitter feed and subscribe to my newsletter you know I had a blast last week testing the 2nd of the top three cleanse companies in San Francisco. First was the CAN CAN cleanse, but this is the full review of my experience with Living Greens SF.

Living Greens San Francisco is the largest, most established cleanse delivery company in the city specializing in custom designed programs. They also provide round the clock moral support through email or phone calls!
I was elated to taste and feel the three levels of intensity they offer. I chose to sip one intensity per day. Here is their simple breakdown of detox levels:

LIVING WELL – Healthy balance of fruits and vegetables
LIVING CLEAN – Heavier on the vegetables with inclusion of some fruit
LIVING GREEN – All vegetables with no fruits
Unlike the CAN CAN cleanse, I wasn’t allowed to eat. I knew this would be the ultimate challenge for me. I love to munch big salads and totally cheated last time.
The other significant difference between Living Greens SF and CAN CAN Cleanse was the freshness of the juices. Living Greens SF delivers your days worth of juice every morning to conserve the nutrients and living enzymes.

As soon as fruits or veggies are juiced the cells start to oxidize and breakdown. Pasturization kills the enzymes as well, which is why raw organic juices are best. The Living Green’s crew also drops off your jars where ever you need them in the morning. An important benefit because that week I was teaching at a different location each day. Such a luxury!
I learned from my first cleanse experiment that I needed to space out the juices properly and rest more. Ideally I could take time off work and just focus on healing from the inside out.

Monday Day 1- Living Well: After receiving my menu of juices, detox teas, and broths in my inbox for the day I sipped the aloe flush and green juice breakfast.
I’ve enjoyed aloe several times before, but I think it’s an acquired taste for most people. The digestive flush and anti-inflammatory nature of aloe with a squirt of lemon juice is powerful and ideally taken every day as a morning tonic.
I don’t normally like grapefruit juice, but Living Greens blend was just right. I gulped and adored the green juices! The potassium broth and probiotic tabs were a welcomed addition to my evening beverages after a day of sweet juices. It completely satisfied that savory craving.
Unfortunately I had a packed schedule of clients that day and couldn’t rest as much as I’d like, but I managed to squeeze in a sauna and yoga. I made sure to hit the sheets early for a full night of zzz’s.

Tuesday Day 2- Living Clean:I awoke with abundant energy and clarity. I loved the beet juice blend and detox teas specifically. Purple beet juice is packed full of rich phytonutrients and enough natural sugar to keep you going for hours. Another bonus was the daily coconut water straight from the coconut! I struggled with not eating, but knew I only had one more day. I read Michelle and Bryan’s inspiring emails and tweets to reaffirm my commitment to the program.

Wednesday Day 3 Living Green:Green juice all day! This was the by far the most challenging day. I had no problem with the juices, they tasted fabulous. I didn’t mind the lack of sweet fruit blends. My issue was hunger. By mid afternoon I was famished. I think in the future I will request more juice.
Overall Thoughts: Living Greens SF offers a vast array of tasty juices and special programs you can tailor to your specific goals. I know exactly how I will design my cleanse next time. More green juice, coconut water and perhaps a kombucha thrown in! My metabolism is way too fast and energy demands too high during a work week to rest sufficiently. No detox symptoms this time though, and€I can’t say enough about their adorable jars and quick, friendly delivery.
Ultimately, this cleanse was an incredible reset button for my immune and digestive system. I’ve never felt so hydrated! I had several people compliment my beaming complexion and clear eyes. I was glowing. Be careful…green juice glow is addicting. I also dropped a few pounds, which I didn’t need, but welcomed.

What’s more, Michelle and Bryan, the awesome owners of Living Greens SF, are offering you a 10% discount on a cleanse! Just make sure to mention me when you order. They deliver throughout the Bay Area, including San Francisco, Marin and the East Bay.

Do you juice daily? Do you have a juicer? What’s your favorite blend?

Like green smoothies, low glycemic raw organic juices are now part of my daily routine. I just can’t wait until I’m on retreat in Bali sipping greens all day with Jillian and her delicious gourmet raw dishes after a day full of yoga, pilates, and martial arts. Tropical warmth and juices = pure bliss.

