I get told a lot that I’ve made some pretty bold choices in my life: leaving home and going to college 8 hours away; traveling to Africa; living abroad. To me I don’t see these as a series of bold choices, but rather a collection of moments that when viewed collectively, showcase my life.


I am really proud of the decisions I have made which have led me to designing a lifestyle that works for me. A lot of the decisions were hard, and emotional. Being away from family has been the biggest sacrifice. However, once you are able to find the courage to live your true authentic self, you will find that your decisions are not bold, they are the right one.


Here are some ways to start being bold:


  1. Travel! I cannot emphasize this enough especially for women. Go and travel. And not just to an all-inclusive resort. Go somewhere off the beaten path. You will be forced to spend time with yourself in a foreign culture. There is nothing better to prepare you for making bold decisions in your life than travel.


  1. If it scares you, it is probably the right choice. Bold actions require you step way out of your comfort zone. If it was easy or something similar to what you’ve done, its not bold. I promise you that the rewards are too great to miss out on.


  1. Find a tribe who will inspire you to take giant leaps and catch you when you fall. These are the people who always show up and never expect anything in return. These are the people you too will catch and never expect anything from. Your sense of safety will come from these people. Never take them for granted.


  1. Settle into your decisions and be proud of them. Whatever it is you decide is the right decision for you, make that decision for you. People will have their opinions. They are their opinions stemming from their experiences and not actually a reflection of you. Hold your ground and move forward.


Right now my big, bold decision is to launch a company to support my lifestyle choice of living in Costa Rica. It’s a big, hairy, audacious and BOLD choice, but one that brings me such happiness and fulfillment.


Drop me a line about your bold decisions. I’d love to hear them.

