Happy 11/11/2011! On this very special auspicious day of the century I’m sitting cozy in a black down coat in a slick Whole Foods cafe munching mega green kale chips and sipping a fizzing ginger kombucha. After teaching an early morning pilates duet and taking a modern dance class, I’m grounded in my body and full of energy for the night and weekend to come.

 Tonight is the ultimate kick off party for The Green Festival weekend, ALIVE SF. This monthly free wellness party, my buddy Jeff Golfman and I host every month in downtown San Francisco, has blossomed into a vibrant community.
Starting at 7pm I offer a free pilates/yoga class followed by raw vegan potluck, massage demo’s and dance party. 80+ people are RSVP’d for tonight!
I was also recently given the opportunity to take over The San Francisco Organic Health and Raw Food Meet-Up group and eagerly plan to revive the 550+ member group over the next several months.
After a sunny potluck in Dolores Park last weekend, I know the SF conscious eating community is eager to connect, learn and be the change. If you live in the bay or plan to pop in for a visit join us for expert lectures, movie nights and fabulous mind, body, spirit events.
The seven largest meet up group leaders in the Bay Area, each with hundreds of members, are uniting for a fabulous holiday celebration on December 9th. We are gathering our tribes to form a massive growing consciousness. It’s such an exciting time in San Francisco! You can feel the bubbling energy.
As much as I adore building online community, grass roots local events are vital for sustainability and large scale change. Especially with some of the legislation we are hoping to pass surrounding GMO labeling in California. In the next week I’ll post my interview with Jeffrey Smith, the leading expert on GMO’s. He provides the simple ways we can shift the paradigm and ban GMO’s from our store shelves.
I’ll get to pick his brain during another interview tomorrow at Green Fest SF after the plant based nutrition panel discussion on main stage. Send me any questions you are dying to ask and I’ll do my best to have them answered.
I’m co-hosting the Earth Balance LiveStream Channel all weekend like in Los Angeles. I hope you’ve enjoyed the interviews thus far!
We’ve got a fun line up for you tomorrow.
Personally, I can’t wait to play in the DIY corner. I’ve been dying to build a boxed organic garden on my fire escape. Then I can grow my own kale and save moolah on kale chips!
See you on the concourse floor tomorrow and hopefully on the dance floor tonight.

I can and i will. Watch me

