Was it the four hours of sleep, lack of breakfast, tense commute or piles of work on your desk? You can’t decide which factor drove you to the depths of grogginess you are currently floating through, but you need a quick natural pick me up. No need for Red Bull, skull size cups of coffee, or even the beloved power nap. All the energy you need can be created from movement. Below are some easy ways to get the energy surge you crave anytime of day. Do a set of each in a row or mix and match to build your own routine.

Jumping Jacks: The traditional tried and true jack is wonderful for building an energy buzz without a massive amount of effort.
1. Do a set of 20 and then get creative with the next set by jumping extra wide, speeding them up or switching the feet so you scissor the legs front to back versus open and close.
Burpees: For those who want a little more burn for their buck dig into a quick set of Burpees.
1. Begin in a squat position with hands on the floor in front of you
2. Kick your feet back to a pushup position
3. Immediately return your feet to the squat position
4. Leap up as high as possible from the squat position
5. Repeat 10 times, moving as fast as possible for maximum calorie burn

Lunge Jumps: Be sure to watch your form on this one. Take the lunges deeper for more intensity and make sure your knees are aligned over the ankle and foot. Don’t want any twisted knees now.
1. Stand in a lunge position, right foot forward
2. Let arms swing in opposition to legs
3. Jumping up and switch foot position in mid-air, landing in a lunge position, with the left foot forward.
4. Repeat 10-15 repetitions, or timed for 30 seconds

High Knees: Great for creating oppositional energy and awareness in the body!
1. Lift your right knee up toward the chest as the left arm reaches over head
2. Repeat on other side
3. Alternate for ten on each side
4. Hop between sides and take both arms up at the same time for more intensity!

Invisible Jumping Rope: Who needs a rope when you can fake it?! I adore jumping the invisible rope because it’s so much easier. Have you tried to jump rope lately? Definitely not as easy as when I was five.
1. Hop on both feet as though you have a jump rope in hand
2. Simulate the rope with small arm/wrist circles, elbows bent and into the sides
3. Alternate between feet, double hop or jump higher for variety

Flailing: When all else fails you can just do what I do and flail/dance around. Jump up and down, throw your arms up and down, twist side to side, salsa your way to the kitchen, etc. Added bonus…it’s super fun and puts a smile on your face.

How do you keep your energy up throughout the day with movement?

