Legs up the wall stretch-doesn’t it just look heavenly? After an exhausting day of work or running around town, relax and revive your feet and legs with this legs-up-the-wall stretch. This position not only allows a lengthening of the hamstrings, but also calms and relieves tension in the nerves and blood vessels of the legs. Perfect for those that suffer from swollen ankles and feet!

To get into this position begin by folding a blanket/towel or two (depending on your preference) against the base boards. Begin on your side with the back of your legs and glutes against the wall. Slowly slide the legs in an arc up the wall until you are laying flat on your back with your legs up the wall. Make sure you are positioned so the blankets support the back of your pelvis and lower back. Your feet should be hip width apart and arms relaxed down by your sides. The glutes can either touch the wall or be a few inches away. Reach your sitting bones toward the baseboards to increase the hamstring stretch and relax!
Begin to take slow, steady breaths and try to clear your mind of the days stress. Hang out in this stretch for 10 mins and then slowly let the legs slide down the wall until you are back on your side. Thats it! And boy will your legs love you!!

Relaxation Tip: Place an eye pillow filled with lavender over your eyes to induce even more calm.

