Below find tips to lighten your mood and toxin load!

GlamSpirit: When your stuck in a bad mood, just pull out your emergency kit? Your bad mood emergency kit that is. There’s nothing like watching Wedding Crashers or listening to a Bob Marley song to lift my spirit. GlamSpirit has put together a kit idea that is sure to send your attitude in the right direction.

FitSugar: Looking to spring clean more than just your closet? Detoxing the body with something like a master cleanse has it’s benefits, but can also have you literally starving for food and much needed energy. FitSugar created a balanced cleanse (that includes food!) that clears toxins while giving you radiant energy.

Marks Daily Apple: It’s not just what you eat, but also how you cook it. We’ve all heard how over cooking or burning food can deplete vital nutrients and even create free radicals in the body. Mark clarifies it all with his helpful guide to cooking right for optimum health.

Hope this helps you lighten your mood and toxin load! For more tips on reducing your toxin load click here!

