earthRirian Project: If you’re like me at this time of year the travel bug starts to creep into your psyche and all you can dream about is the day you’ll be splashing in the turquoise water of some far off locale. But, what about right here and now? We can’t always be off roaming the world, so here are some fun ways to experience the benefits of traveling without going anywhere.

Glam Spirit: Find mental clarity and ease in the body by practicing the ancient Chinese art of Qi Gong. This 5,000 year old practice fuses meditation, relaxation, breathing and movement to balance the mind, body and spirit. Learn more and find a practitioner from GlamSpirit.

Fitsugar: Can’t find a partner yoga class near you? All you need is a visual and simple instruction, so check out Fitsugar’s recommended partner yoga book. Share a smile with your partner while hanging upside down… super fun!

Zen Habits: Spring has finally blossomed and now it’s time to clean up and clear out our homes. Diving into spring cleaning is overwhelming, but so worth the effort. While I spent a whole day turning my place upside down, there’s no reason you can’t spread out the process. Here are 18 five minute decluttering tips from Leo over at Zen Habits.

