Have you Floated today? And no I’m not talking about your typical float in a pool, the ocean, or even a bath tub. I’m referencing a brand new relaxation method called Floating. You can float your way to a more peaceful self!

Utilizing a revolutionary scientific approach to deep relaxation called R.E.S.T (Restricted Environmental Stimulation Technique), Flotation eliminates all sensory stress to the body allowing the mind and body to fall into the deepest state of relaxation on earth.

After hearing about this extraordinary method from a dancer friend of mine, I was intrigued, to say the least, and dug up some research. Here’s what I found!

If you’re looking to de-stress (and seriously who isn’t) then imagine falling into a calm state considered purer and more beneficial than sleep. This deep relaxation is created through the use of a sound and light proof floatation pod in which you float effortlessly on the surface of 10 inches of water that is saturated with 800lbs of medical grade Epsom salt and 100 million year old Himalayan salt. It is set to your skin temperature to give the sensation of floating “out of body”.

Apparently, “Scientists estimate that up to 90% of the brain’s normal workload is caused by the effects of gravity on muscles and the nervous system as well as sensory stimuli that needs to be processed.

The float tank screens out these external physical stimuli, creating a pure state of “sensory” relaxation. Under these unique conditions your body has a chance to restore its natural powers of self regulation, while you simply lie back and rediscover the latent abilities of a deeply relaxed mind.”

Sounds fantastic right?! Like I have mentioned before, there is a vast connection between the mind, body and spirit. Reducing tension in the body inevitably relaxes the mind and visa versa. While meditation and mindfulness calm the mind and in turn relax the body, floating creates an environment that reduces all stressors on the body, allowing you to fall into deep levels of consciousness. Floating actually activates parts of the brain and consciousness that only Zen monks and other yogi’s can access through deep meditation.

I have already scheduled my appointment at the Float Matrix here in San Francisco to give it a whirl. I’ll be sure to follow up and let you know how it goes!

Check into it and see if any spa’s or holistic centers near you offer Floating. For only $75 dollars an hour (cheaper than a massage) I’m considering scheduling several appointments.

