Dear body…

I love you.

I have missed our daily practice time together immensely. I am sorry for neglecting you.
I let business get in the way of our vital relationship. You deserve better. I promise to maintain my end of our relationship.

You are always there for me unconditionally and I often forget just how astounding you are. I take you for granted and prioritize other people over you.

Though I eat super clean I haven’t moved you the way you are meant to move in far too long. You are capable of way more than I will ever know or understand. Our daily 2 hrs together where I can step out of my mental chatter and focus on you is my bliss.

I am meant to spend more time focusing on you. I am meant to teach others how to be more in their bodies. I am back on track now. Thank you for being so magical. Thank you for teaching me so many lessons. Thank you for never giving up on me. Dancing never felt so good

