My flow is back. My focus is clear. After traveling steadily for the past two months and gaining much needed perspective I am finally feeling like my self again. It’s been a roller coaster of learning which I intend to share with you in the next few posts, but for the time being I want to spread some love for my fellow writer buddies who kept me motivated through tough times. Though I might not comment on everything, know that I am reading and very much appreciate your hard work, unique voices and insight.

Here’s a short list of what I harbor in my Google Reader:

Scott H. Young: A newbie to my list, Scott lavishes his readers with ways to get more out of life. Can You Spot These 7 Broken Nutrition Arguments caught my glance today. He debunks common nutrition generalizations. If there is one thing I have learned while wrestling with my own meal planning, it’s that we need to drop all generalizations and focus on our unique metabolism.

Thrilling Heroics: Cody delivers yet again with his most recent article outlining his Secret Recipe For 100% Guaranteed Happiness. Working with disadvantaged kids in Thailand, Cody is realizing philanthropy could perhaps be his calling and yours. I’m loving the good vibes from this post, as I am looking to do similar volunteer work very soon.

Vagablogging: You guessed it, this is a site all about long term travel and living the vagabond/nomad lifestyle. My reader has shifted a bit to include stellar blogs that I can relate with while I gypsy my way around the planet.�Lessons learned�and epic living ideas abound throughout Rolf’s archives though, so don’t pass up a chance to read We Are Traveling Parts of the Whole.

Exile Lifestyle: Colin recently launched his very own digital nomad life by taking root in Argentina. He’s spicing up his work with ebooks and videos soon, but in the meantime he’s settling for catchy titles like, I’m Writing This To Get Laid.

Being Healthy For Busy People: Talli and I have become close via twitter and our affinity for ultimate wellness and podcasts. She writes and produces a soon to be award winning podcast covering all the latest scientific findings and how to incorporate them into your busy life. I love her take on dessert. Yes you can eat it!
portion control
Zen To Fitness: Raise your hand if you struggle with portion control and mindful eating. Don’t worry my hand is up there with you. It’s a constant battle of mind over matter, but The Art of Portion Control can help. I love this blogs clear writing and balanced approach to well being. Do you agree?

Raw Foods Witch: While I haven’t made the complete switch to raw food, thanks to Natalie, I have learned several new non-cooking methods and drool worthy recipes. Lucky for us she just released a colorful and insightful recipe ebook that covers 28 Desserts You Can Eat Everyday. Surprised?! I was skeptical at first as well, but the recipes speak for themselves. With options like Orange Chocolate Goji Berry Fudge, and Raw Raspberry Cheesecake what is not to love? I was blown away that you can actually make a yummy pie crust out of nuts. Besides it’s free!

What other sites beyond Epicself do you read regularly and why? Let’s get a concensus going!

