With the slowing economy touching most people’s lives at this point I can’t help but wonder if this was the wake up call the world needed. A clear beam of light in our current darkness shining on our need to simplify and rediscover the most important things in life. Going without your 4 dollar latte, luxury car, and designer coat isn’t going to kill you. Nor is losing that 9-5 that really sucked your soul through your pores anyway.

“Bad times” occur not only because we made unconscious choices in the past, but to smack us into reality. Beyond our basic needs for food, and shelter nothing more is going to make us happy. The more us humans evolve to consciously understand that the longer we’ll survive on this planet…and yes it’s that vital at this point! We must heighten our awareness to the disastrous effects of the human ego that warps our view of life and it’s interconnectedness if we hope to exist in the future.

If you were to look plainly at all your actions and possessions, how much of it is really needed? Do you have a closet full of clothes you turn over every six months?…let me tell you I know plenty of people who toss out something that’s not in season for fear they might be judged by some a#%hole they shouldn’t marry anyway. Looking at life on a grand scale it’s so trivial and meaningless. Boosting our ego’s becomes more important then actually being and enjoying life this second.

As the day dawns every morning and we have another chance to be, we must remember that it’s the quality of each moment that fulfills our souls… not how much we have or how good we look to other people. All those thoughts are just that…thoughts. Keep asking yourself….what is it going to take for you to be happy right now? Honestly!….Is it the handsome lover, those patent pumps, the “perfect” American dream life? The true answer will reveal itself soon enough. So let’s start the purge….

Here are some examples of ways (I am working on…) we can cut out excess, and actually live happier more fulfilling lives…

1.) Get rid of the tube: Watch what feeds your soul…comedy, educational programs, etc…vs. the vast majority of meaningless drama.

Short term gains- Save money and electricity (happy Earth!), have more time for being and embracing reality in this moment.

Long term gains- Not turning into a zombie warped by the media and societal pressures, stereotypes and ultimately ego feeding crap. Spend more time doing what you love= a life worth living!

2.) Eat only what you need: That means being conscious while you eat so that you know your limits…yes it takes discipline!

Short term gains- increased self discipline which spills into every aspect of your life, cut calories, eat slower thus relishing your food! Save moolah.

Long term gains- lose weight, live longer, develop a complete understanding of quality vs. quantity= save the planets resources.

This list is infinite, but what it all gets down to in the end is that peaceful, happy being comes from inside you. It cannot be found in the external world. Period! Stripping your life of dead weight is a portal into this enlightened awareness. Join me!

I’d love to hear your thoughts and revel in the ways you’ve discovered that “less is more.” Please share in the comments section!

