Whether you’re single on the prowl or attached to the love of your life, every woman needs a night with her girls. Not only for her sanity, but for the men who share her world. Isolation from friends is one of the largest problems facing couples today. The minuet spare time we have is spent on dates or making dinner with hubby. Leaving you with no time for friends or heaven forbid yourself.

Time to put an end to this madness and devote at least one night a week to time with friends. Below are some inexpensive ideas to spark your next outing or shindig.

1.)�World Dish Night: My roommates and I came up with world dish night and had a blast creating unique meals every other week. The next time you pool the ladies together dust off the globe and set it spinning. Have one person close their eyes, spin and then put their finger down on the globe. What ever country she lands on is the region you as a group must create a dish from. Search online for a traditional recipe and have each person share the costs in the ingredients and cooking. You could theme the whole meal after one region or pair courses with countries. It’s a hilarious way to test your chef skills while feeling like a world traveler.

2.) Spa Day: No this doesn’t mean throwing down hundreds of dollars for spa treatments. Money is so not necessary for a good time. Buy a cucumber, berries and oranges. Have each girl dig through the drawer of random masks, foot scrubs, lotion and nail polishes that every woman has stashed somewhere, and tout it over to one person’s house. When all the ladies arrive dump all the goods on the carpet and have at it. Bring a robe, lounge on couches and sip spa water (cool water with some blueberries and orange slices thrown in) while the cucumbers sit pretty on those peepers. Added bonus: find a friend with a pool and chill outside in the sun. Watch your stress disappear. Maya from Only in a Woman’s World would love this idea.

3.) Sleepover: I don’t care what age you are, sleepovers are ridiculously fun and girly. Convince the girls to forgo the pumps and grab their sleeping bag. Each woman should bring a board game over to share or better yet you could commit to creating your own as a group. I recently met a quartet of Dutch women who created and carried a homemade drinking game with them. Equip with a drawn watering hole with shots of water placed on top. A great way to bond and feel like a kid again, eh?

Girls night out doesn’t need to include getting plastered and dancing on tables. Though that’s fun every once and a while! How have you and your friends taken the “girls night out” to a new level?

This post was brought to you by Only In A Woman’s World.

