My #PilatesEveryDamDay Challenge Day 2 is Reach and Curl.

Begin in a table top position on your hands and knees. Make sure your hands are directly under your shoulders and knees under your hips. Reach your right arm over head in alignment with your ear and your left leg back in opposition. Press your right shin bone and ankle into the mat and left hand into the floor. Press both shoulders down and wide away from your ears. Keep your hips square facing the mat and head up in line with your spine. Inhale to reach through fingers and toes, exhale to draw your abs in and contract the spine. Pull your right elbow to touch your left knee cap. Make contact every time. Inhale reach, exhale curl. Make a cat shape with your spine every time. Curl your tailbone towards your nose.


For more challenge: float your right shin bone and foot off the floor.



For beginners: start by just holding each position. The stretched long reach for 5 breaths and the curl for 5 breaths. Perfect your form and then work on connecting the two with a fluid transition.


Show me your Reach and Curl here on Facebook by posting a pic or video of yourself practicing. Remember to tag me and use the hashtag #pilateseverydamnday in your post.


Feel free to ask me any questions. I am here to help! Winner of this 30 day challenge receives my “Pilates Six Pack Video Series” and my “Detox Your Life Ecourse.” Have fun and make sure you practice the other side


