Pilates Mat Challenge DAY 9

How is your body today? Any aches, pains or concerns? Where are you holding tension and stress? These are the first questions I ask my clients when we meet up for a coaching session. It triggers them to take a few moments to check in and set their mind for our time together. It’s amazing how we can walk around all day and not even think to check in with how the body is feeling. It’s hilarious really.


The first thing I do when I get up is stretch. It tunes me in right away to any soreness that is lingering from the day and night before. I grab my foam roller or tennis balls to massage out the muscles and fascia. Feels so good and sets my body awareness for the day. I highly recommend you get into a similar habit.


Join me on the mat now for Single Leg Exchange and Criss-Cross for Day 8 of my ‪#‎PilatesEveryDamnDay month long challenge.


1.) Begin with right leg in table top and left leg extended forward. Curl your upper body toward your knee and hold it there as you switch sides.


2.) Watch my hand placement in the video to perfect your form. Keep the legs parallel. They will want to turn out. Hold your neutral pelvis as you alternate sides. 5 reps each side.


3.) Move directly into Criss-Cross with hands behind your head. Twist your ribcage from one side to the next as you maintain pelvis stability. Repeat 5 reps on each side.


For more challenge: Take your extended leg lower to the floor. Curl a little bit higher and alternate between slow and fast reps.


Beginners Tip: practice keeping your pelvis stable and upper body curled forward. Start with the legs extending at a 45 degree angle instead of low over the floor. Start slow and precise and work up to more reps and a variety of speeds.


Happy practicing!

