As my six week experiment with The Nike Training Club iphone app comes to a close I look back on my charted progress and rewards with a smile.

 During the past few weeks I’ve come to adore the interval training the most. I haven’t pushed my heart this much in years! Thanks to the simple app workouts I sweat and broke through mental and physical barriers every week. I also rocked that dance audition two weeks back. I still had plenty of steam after a 3 hour class and audition.
Since I dance train five days per week my explosive plyometric strength is solid, but it always takes me at least 45 mins to drip sweat and push my heart. My body temp has always been on the cooler side and it takes layers of warm ups and a ton of vigorous movement for me to break sweat outside a Bikram yoga class or sauna. My “work” in most of my dance classes is unlearning how to effort and over work my muscles. To make the most challenging physical movement look, and ideally, feel effortless in the body.
 I’m totally addicted to the endorphin rush now and plan to stick with the kick butt advanced training the app provides. Use
it or lose it!
I’ve layered in my own music to keep it fresh as well. Lady Gaga has helped tremendously on those last few sprints.
New to interval training? Just take your favorite cardiovascular movement like running, biking, swimming, hiking, etc…and layer in high intensity bursts pushing near full exertion followed by bouts of low intensity.
To help you push your heart muscle here’s a quick breakdown of two classic interval styles…

Interval Variation I: Standard
3-5 minutes warm-up (light ride, low intensity, gradually increasing at the end of the warm up period)
1 minute moderate or high intensity followed by 1 minute low intensity (repeat 6-8 times)
3-5 minutes cool down (light ride, low intensity, gradually decreasing by the end of the cool down period)

Interval Variation II: Pyramid
3-5 minutes warmup
30 seconds high intensity, 1 minute low intensity
45 seconds high intensity, 1 minute low intensity
60 seconds high intensity, 1 minute low intensity
90 seconds high intensity, 1 minute low intensity
60 seconds high intensity, 1 minute low intensity
45 seconds high intensity, 1 minute low intensity
30 seconds high intensity
3-5 minutes cooldown
Interval training is used extensively by professional athletes, trainers and coaches to drastically increase cardiovascular endurance, fat loss and boost the metabolism. Learn how to fire up your metabolism with these must do maneuvers.

What’s your experience with The Nike Training Club App? Did it push you to your limits? Inspire you to stay on track with your goals and intentions?


The Nike Training Club App is a full-body functional training app designed for you to make yourself whatever you want to be. Whether you’re looking to get lean, toned, or strong, NTC takes every workout to the next level. Download it here.  


Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Nike Womens via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Nike Womens.
Enter here for a chance to win an iPad2 complete with the Nike Training Club app and slick Nike gear including the Legend Pant, Victory Bra, and Free XT Motion Fit+.

