A new ad campaign designed to shock the fashion industry has been posted all over Milan. In an effort to remind the fashion industry of the danger of hiring models that are too skinny 27 year old Isabelle Caro was photographed naked for huge billboard ads. Isabelle has suffered from anorexia since the age of 12 and currently weighs around 85lbs. She wanted to reveal herself in order to show young people how dangerous anorexia is.

The ad was posted all over Milan during their recent fashion week. Apparently the campaign was funded by an Italian clothing company, Flash & Partners, to publicise a brand for young women called Nolita.

This campaign follows the banning of extremely skinny runway models by the Milanese authorities. Now all cat walk models must carry certificates to prove they are healthy.

See the image here…

anorexia fashion campaign

So sad and incredibly distrubing. Here is some more information on anorexia and how to find help.

