Not your ordinary cheddar or brie, the dimples that riddle our thighs and booties is a cheese none of us ladies want. Even if it came with a basket of French bread! I’m sure you’ve seen those cellulite massage sucker and laser dimple eraser infomercials. It’s amazing what us ladies will put ourselves through for a smooth rear end. The honest truth is that none of those fancy contraptions actually do the job. They are expensive, invasive, and short lived.

We want a permanent solution, which means we actually have to make a lifestyle change. I know, I said it. There is no quick fix to cellulite, but there are a few at home tricks you can incorporate into your morning routine that work to lengthen and smooth your already gorgeous gams.

What we’ll need to smooth our dimples: Increased blood, lymph and oxygen flow to problem areas.

The Simple At Home Techniques:

Ride: You’ve probably seen this tube of foam at the gym and wondered what in the world you’d do with such a thing. Believe it or not it’s one of the best weapons against cellulite and weak abdominals. This core sculpting tool is a masseuse in disguise. Simply ride the roller! Rolling/massaging out problem areas increases the circulation, flushes away toxins, and smooths the appearance of the skin.

How To: Here’s a demo video for the front of the thighs. Relieve muscle tension and kick cellulite in the butt. Hitting two birds with one stone! That’s the Pilates method for you. Quality work versus quantity.

Roll It Out: Thighs from Amber Zuckswert on Vimeo.

Move: While spot treating for fat loss doesn’t work, doing a set of squats to firm your tush will bring much needed blood and oxygen to the muscles and skin. Consistency is key here.

How To: A set of squats is a quick go to, but a shoulder bridge and what I like to call “smile squeezes” really target the hips and glutes while creating long lean muscles. Pilates power!

Breathe: So simple and vital, yet so under utilized.

How To: Breathe deeper right now with this do anywhere exercise.

Flush: Lymph fluid bathes our cells in water and nutrients. We need it to flow smoothly in order to iron away the cottage cheese appearance.

How To: Drink plenty of water, fill up on water dense veggies like cucumber, sip soups and munch anti inflammatory foods and herbs like ginger, rosemary, grapefruit, salmon, olive oil, and broccoli.

Eating a balanced diet of whole real foods rich in the Top Detox Foods should work wonders.

And last but certainly not least…

Brush: Dry body brushing is one of my little secrets. Not so secret as it is ancient. Ancient cultures from the East use body brushing to stimulate nerves and lymph flow before hopping in the shower in the AM. A fabulous way to wake up the body and slough dead skin cells.

With all of these techniques in mind you could create a short and sweet cellulite routine and commit to doing it every morning before heading to work!

Here’s a sample routine I try to stick to:
1.) Roll out of bed and onto my roller. Roll out thighs, butt and my back favorite.
2.) Drink a glass of water with a squeeze of lemon. A great metabolism boost!
3.) Take myself through a simple stretch sequence.
4.) Breath deeply throughout the sequence.
5.) Dry brush before shower.
6.) Whip up a green smoothie for breakfast.

And I’ll say it again and again… the golden rule is consistency. If you can complete these rituals a few times a week I know you’ll see and feel a difference.

Got any of your own home natural and dare I say cheap remedies?!

