Traffic gridlock every morning is definitely no cup of tea. Stress runs high as everyone scrambles to get to work on time without even a second glance at the cars and people around them. Americans today not only work longer hours, but spend on average 26 minutes commuting to work. Tension and angst from a commute transfers into your work day and family life. Learning to stay relaxed in the slew of chaos on the freeway will make you not only more productive at the office, but also able to enjoy your down time even more after work. Here are 9 simple ways to de-stress and reduce tension during your commute:

1.) The Perfect Set Of Playlists: Plug in your ipod or make some CD’s with your fave songs and playlists. In the morning I like to blast dance or rock music to wake and feed my energy for the day ahead. But, that’s the last thing I need when I’m tired, cranking and hungry on the way home. That’s when a more mellow playlist is in order, maybe some Sublime or Bob Marley. Whatever you choose, make sure to sing at the top of your lungs and maybe even shimmy those shoulders.If you have an ipod plug-in download podcasts or a series from that one comedian that makes you laugh until your stomach hurts.

2.) Get Comfortable: If you’ve got a lengthy commute the most important things to consider is how your body feels. Tension in your body will lead to mental tension. Create rituals to help your body relax. First thing I do is kick off my shoes. Get out of those damn heels, ladies. And guys, toss the tie and jacket. Check your ergonomics and set up your seat so you’re close enough to reach the pedals comfortably and your spine is supported vertically so you don’t need to lean forward to grip the wheel. Also if you’re wearing really tight jeans or pants you might consider changing into a flexible (yet stylish!) yoga pant. Check out your hips as well. If your are twisting your pelvis to reach the pedal you will eventually create imbalances in your low back and sacrum over time.

3.) Take The Scenic Route: If you have a choice, drive by the ocean, through a forest, or even by your favorite spot in town. Whatever area makes you feel relaxed and possibly conjures up pleasant memories. Nature will always have a calming effect.

4.) Air Out: Roll down all the windows and let the fresh air in. Of course this might not work all times of year, but its’ a great way to boost your spirit and energy.

5.) Take A Breather: When a car cuts you off, instead of screaming or honking take a few deep breaths. Don’t let others bad energy effect your peaceful mood.

6.) Practice Mindfulness: How many times have you driven to work or arrived home without remembering the trip? Yeah, a little scary, huh? Use the solo time to practice being very present and aware. Let your thoughts fall to the background and just watch. See what your mind does to occupy the space. Becoming aware of your thoughts is the first step in living in the now. You’ll find that by observing your thoughts they will begin to quiet.

7.) Stretch: When the freeway turns into a parking lot take some time to stretch and move. I like to roll out my shoulders and circle my head around to loosen my neck. Bend side to side and make some space in that compressed spine. Sitting for such long hours without a doubt will cause stiffness. Combat poor posture by remaining aware of your spinal positions and stretching to create mobility.

8.) Add A Personal Touch: Whether it’s a bead necklace around the rear view mirror or a small vase holding a daisy nestled in your cup holder, add a little touch of personality to your car space. Choose something that you know will make you smile or settle your nerves. One of my best friends, for example, rolls down all the windows and burns cone incense because the fragrance soothes her. If I had a car I’d probably keep a sand dollar on my dash to remind me of my utmost favorite place, the beach!

9.) Bus It: Save money on gas (now $3.85 here in SF!) and reduce your carbon footprint by taking the bus or train to work. Better yet, burn some calories, forget the oil, and bike it. If none of these options are viable join a carpool with some coworkers and save time by taking the carpool lane.

With these techniques you’ll be on your way to a stress free commute, leaving you in a relaxed mind set for those precious hours of down time after work.

