• Be Present in Every Moment

The Journey of Becoming


One of the biggest reasons people stop pursuing their dreams and believing in themselves is because their journey is taking longer than expected.

The concept of […]

The Journey of Becoming2019-06-17T18:47:39+00:00

Best Of And New Endeavors


Take a journey with me back to the most popular and transformative posts of 2010.

Best Of And New Endeavors2016-11-28T00:07:34+00:00

Infuse Your Day With Retreat Life: Recap Part 2


Oh man! I can't wait for my next pilates wellness retreat. Troncones was absolutely gorgeous and I know I'll be back soon. Here are the rest of the week's highlights fully equipped with ways to infuse your day with retreat life. - See more at: https://epicself.com/wellness-library/infuse-your-day-with-retreat-life-recap-part-2#sthash.9pLlozpe.dpuf

Infuse Your Day With Retreat Life: Recap Part 22016-11-28T00:07:34+00:00

Mexico Retreat Highlights Part 1


Can you believe how time flies? A month ago I was inhaling and exhaling into a deep down dog, ten feet from pounding surf in the tropical heat of Troncones, Mexico. With my pilates, yoga, surf retreat in full swing, our blissed out clients, Tyler and I melted our stress away in the glorious surroundings. - See more at: https://epicself.com/wellness-library/mexico-retreat-highlights-part-1#sthash.BL5baVx0.dpuf

Mexico Retreat Highlights Part 12016-11-28T00:07:34+00:00

Escape To Shape: Pilates, Yoga, Surf Retreat


All inclusive retreats in paradise! Bali, Mexico, India, Brazil, Thailand and Spain are just a few of the countries, on my list, that harbor decadent retreats to lavish your every need.

Escape To Shape: Pilates, Yoga, Surf Retreat2016-11-28T00:07:35+00:00


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