Christmas was fantastic, NYE is on the horizon, it’s time to recap! I’m setting my intentions for 2011 over the next few days (vision boards!) and enjoying a little calm before the January storm of clients. It’s been a fantastic year of personal growth for me and EpicSelf. Ain’t she looking pretty? With the revamped design, newsletter and ad free appeal, EpicSelf is ever evolving with me. Looking back on achievements helps fuel my motivational fire for all the glorious things ahead. Take a journey with me back to the most popular and transformative posts of 2010.


Top Five Filling Raw Smoothies For Breakfast
Not all smoothies are created equal. Breakfast should be a nutrient dense power house that sparks the metabolism, tastes delicious and keeps hunger pains at bay until lunch. Pick up the key satisfying ingredients and my top five fave recipes.


Breath, Posture and A Six Pack
Back in bikini season I filmed a quick pilates based video, that showed you how to chisel the waist using your breath, to create a slim, confident and aligned profile. To my complete surprise this little clip exploded in popularity. I guess no one wants to stand with a hunchback and muffin top hanging over their pants!
*My latest project is an entire video series devoted to this method. Practice, practice now while it’s free. My six pack of videos for your six pack will be launched by end of January!


My San Diego Adventure and Raw Superfood Give Away
Wanna be super human? Try a couple superfoods. Maca, acai, cocoa, spirulina, E3 live, are just a sample of the hidden gems we’ve discovered thus far. I had the pleasure of teaming up with, based out of San Diego, to give away 5 wellness packages to subscribers. Giving health and radiant energy is so fun!


Happy Feet = Happy You
The body is a vast ecosystem. When we neglect a part we neglect the whole. Take care of your forgotten feet with this strength and flexibility video. I still haven’t picked up a pair of Vibrams. How do your feet feel right now? Could use a rub I’m sure.


How To Spring Clean Your Life
Good for any time of year, cleansing isn’t just about decluttering stuff anymore! Learn how to clean up all aspects of yourself; mental, emotional, physical, internal, and external environment. Perfect for starting the New Year off with a bang.


Go On A Pilates Date With Me:
The official kick off of my virtual pilates service! Since the initial giveaway I’ve worked with people from all over the globe. London, New York, even Chile!


My virtual studio spills all the details.
Follow along with my latest pilates workout to see how virtual fitness can work for you. I gave away a personal pilates flow sequence over the holidays as an xmas gift to all my newsletter subscribers. If you’d like to receive videos like this in your inbox sign up already 😀


Start The Year Squeaky Clean With These Top Detox Foods
Excess sugar, fat, and alcohol slurped down during those shimmery cocktail parties over the holidays clog and slow the vital filtering abilities of our livers. A week or more of munching super cleansing whole foods will do wonders for your body after unhealthy periods. Load up on the top ten before and after your NYE celebrations this year.


Pilates, Yoga, Surf Retreat In Paradise
One of my biggest accomplishments of the year was hosting my first pilates retreat in Mexico! I learned so much about the biz and am excited to offer a pilates and gourmet raw food retreat this Spring in Thailand. Details coming out soon. Here’s a sneak peak interview with my partner in bringing you RAWesome mind/body retreats in 2011:




I’m off to create more goals, visions and intentions. Epic living takes some planning!


What were some of your most memorable moments or achievements this year? Did you set intentions for 2011?

Don’t have a resolution? Use the New Year’s Resolution Generator I used to create mine above. Create! Create! Create! It fits me so well.


