Yesterday began the rigorous tech week leading up to my latest dance performance this weekend. Five hour rehearsals a day on top of outside work has put a huge wedge between Epicself and I. I’ve been talking with many of you on Twitter and Facebook, but unfortunately have not had time to write. Back next week I promise!

Since January I’ve had the pleasure of working with two of the best choreographers in San Francisco, Janice Garrett and Charles Moultan. Over the last four months 23 dancers, 2 choreographers, 5 musicians, and 1 earth shaking vocalist, have rehearsed 8 hours a week in preparation for this one and only weekend. We’ve created an evening lengths work “The Illustrated Book of Invisible Stories,” that will run for four days only.

This weekend is the culmination of all my hard work in the dance world here in San Francisco. To dance for a company like this is a true blessing! Back in 07′ when I was finishing up my dance degree at SF state, I never fathomed that in two years I would have the honor to dance with two of the best modern dance companies in the city. The last year has been a whirlwind to say the least! The dancers have become family during this incredible process, which makes it even more bittersweet that after the curtain falls I will be leaving the city for good. I’ll only have two weeks before launching my mobile life abroad.

The opportunities available in San Francisco abound. It has been good to me….as many of you San Franciscians can relate! But the economy is sucking the arts world dry so I must take my life by the horns and throw it into greener pasture. Europe here I come! A place where the arts are appreciated and supported by the governments.

On a lighter note if you are close to San Francisco and are interested in seeing my performance this weekend you can buy tickets on the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts website under Garrett/Moultan. I did have two comps but those already got swapped from a few readers that follow me on Twitter.

I will be back next week in full force. Stay tuned for weekly video podcasts full of mind/body/spirit tips and exercises! In the meantime you can find me in the sauna soaking away my sore muscles…

