2011 was a fabulous year! I recently skyped with my buddy Carlos Miceli, voice of……

Conversation with Amber Zuckswert from Carlos Miceli on Vimeo.
Getting people to see and want the foundations for a productive and healthy lifestyle.
The number one hardship for most people: implementing and changing habits.
Achieving clarity when choosing a course of action.
Everyone has their own diet school of thought. How do we filter the information to find what works for us?
The dangers of doing exercise the wrong way, and the price of being a top-performer in sports. 

Ambers style draws already active people wanting to take their health to the next level. Reminds me of Baltasar Gracians quote: It is foolish for a forty-year-old to ask Hippocrates for health, and even more foolish to ask Seneca for wisdom. The social cost of choosing a healthy lifestyle, and balancing friends/buddies with colleagues and like-minded people.
The possibilities for innovation in coupling the internet with almost any traditional business.
My upcoming all inclusive 7-day retreat in Bali, Indonesia! 

