One of my many resolutions for 08′ is to be more of an optimist. In my constant pursuit of happiness I’ve learned that it’s imperative to evaluate and monitor our thoughts. We all have developed specific thought patterns based on our social environment and life experience. The key is to discover whether that rambling of worries, thoughts, judgements, and the like are self defeating or empowering and then make change.
woman thinking
So why is it so important to have positive, empowering thoughts? Because our thoughts directly effect our emotions, perceptions of the world, and even the tension we hold in our bodies. The mind and body connection is vast. Bodily tensions are connected to mental tension and visa versa. So if you are mentally stressed, anxious, and depressed, it will undoubtly show in your posture, energy levels, attitude toward the world, and ultimately cause tension in the body.

So let’s reduce stress and tension, while improving the way we react to life’s challenges, by changing our internal talk!

self affirmation shower curtainOne of my favorite ways to improve my internal talk is to use a mantra. A mantra is traditional a word, sound or phrase that is repeated aloud and usually utilized in meditation. I like to use mantras as basically self affirmations. So when ever you have a negative thought replace it with your positive mantra. For example, if you’re getting ready to give a speech and all you can think is, “I always studder, and I’m totally going to screw this up,” replace it with an empowering phrase like, “I am confident, calm, and willdo outstanding.” Repeat your mantra over and over in your head, which will keep those negative thoughts from creeping in.

Same thing goes for everyday mood swings. If your day is going super crappy, take a look at what’s going on in your head. Stop your mind from continuing on it’s destructive path and say repeat to yourself, “I am peaceful, and relaxed.” Couple your mantra with several slow deep breaths and you’ll kick yourself right out of that nasty mood!

“We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far.”- Swami Vivekananda

