feng shui bedroom
With how busy our lives are now days it’s critical to our health to have a place where we can have down time and get a restful nights sleep. The bedroom should be an oasis of calm and a place you can’t wait to retreat to every night. Feng Shui, the ancient art of placement, offers several tips for creating the perfect haven. From bed placement, to wall color, to imagery, the Feng Shui principles of creating chi (energy) flow around a home will have you sleeping like a baby and improving your relationships to boot! So let’s get started with some simple changes you can do to shape your dream bedroom.

clean out from under the bedUse The Command Position: Place your bed diagonally across from the entrance to the bedroom. So, when you are sitting in bed you can see the door, but not be in the direct flow of chi coming through the doorway. It’s subconsciously unsettling to not have a view of who (or what!) is coming into the room.

Clear Out From Under The Bed: Having back problems or trouble sleeping? Don’t blame the mattress necessarily. The type of objects you keep under the bed can effect your sleep and health. Bed related items are okay, but anything metal or disruptive like drawers can disturb energy. Use the drawers for long term storage and clear all the junk out to allow chi to move freely on all sides.

Remove Inappropriate Imagery: The bedroom is the room linked to relationships. If you are having trouble in your current relationship or wanting to meet someone, check out what imagery messages you’re sending yourself. Pictures of solitary people, animals, etc. is supporting the opposite message of a relationship. Pick art for the bedroom that has images of pairs (eg. pictures of you two on your last vacation, two birds, etc.).

Avoid Sha Chi: If possible, position the bed away from overhead beams. Heavy beams create pressure over the area directly beneath them. This pressure is called Sha Chi and can cause health problems. For example, if a beam is directly over your head at night you might suffer from headaches; over the knees and feet can create knee and leg problems; over the stomach can cause digestive problems; and beams running lengthwise over the bed can cause relationship problems (since it’s separating the couple). The lower the ceiling the greater the impact.

Shelving overhead can cause the same type of pressure and unease. Subconscious fear of objects falling on you at night can cause disrupted sleep. Another sha chi problem could come from behind the wall. Check out if you’ve got a ton of plumbing, an air conditioner, toilet or appliance on the other side of the wall behind the head of your bed. A toilet has a very draining energy, and any kind of waste water carries negative chi. A stove’s strong yang (fire) energy conflicts with the yin nature of sleep.

Use The Bedroom As A Bedroom: This means, try to keep the bedroom for strictly sleeping and relaxing. Having your desk or office in the bedroom brings (yang) or active energy into this (yin) or passive space. When you work at your desk you want to be in the command position, but the bed is already there. If you must have your office in the bedroom, turn off all the equipment and drape fabric over it before bed so as not to be reminded of work when you first wake up.

Same thing goes for workout equipment. While there might be no other place to stick that huge treadmill, having it in the bedroom can send off energy related to your strenuous workouts.

Activate Chi: Create more chi in the bedroom by bringing in live plants. Plants are a symbol of growth and health. Fresh flowers in white, pinks, and reds are perfect for the bedroom.
fresh cut flowers
Set The Mood: For improved relationships and relaxation we turn the the element of Earth. Add these to ground and calm the room:
– Soft, luxurious fabrics (now you’ve got an excuse to buy those high thread count sheets!). Make the bed as comfortable as possible by adding down comforters, a foam mattress topper, lots of pillow and soft throws. Whatever soothes your soul.
-Use earth tones, and shades of pink, white, and red for the walls and decor. Blues and green are also very calming.
-Add a dimmer switch for that all important mood lighting
-A round mirror to signify unity
-Use aromatherapy. For calm use: chamomile, lavender, and lemon. For love use: freesia, gardenia, jasmine, and plumeria essential oils.

Implementing a few or all of these Feng Shui cures should have you sleeping better tonight! I’m looking forward to hitting the sack already.

Feng Shui is an incredible philosophy that can drastically change the energy of your home- directly effecting aspects of our lives like health, wealth, love, and personal growth. To learn more about Feng Shui check out some of my favorite books on the subject. Want more tips? Click here!

Source: Fast Feng Shui, by Stephanie Roberts

