A revolution is stirring. Unconventional living is sprouting. The 4 Hour Work Week is taking Gen-Y by storm. Are you on board? Long gone are the days of living the 9-5 grind. It’s time to untemplate our lives. Today I am very proud to announce a one of a kind website launch. Take a handful of super star lifestyle design masters throw in ten blogger contributors who are walking the walk, and you’ve got a tidal wave of inspiration, advice and lessons learned to utilize in creating your most epic self.

Up to this point you’ve diligently followed my mobile life launch and adventure, but I haven’t wanted to divulge fully on Epicself. I’d like to keep this site devoted to mind, body, spirit wellness. So I launched Twobackpacks.com which put everything on the table. Exposing my ups and downs along the journey via podcasts, pictures and thoughtful journal entries. Now I have a new platform to inspire the unconventional life of your dreams….Untemplater.com. Showing you through experience that you can work where you want, live how you want, and be what you want to be.
I’ll be contributing two articles a month to this fantastic site and would love your support. You can download the free Untemplater Manifesto and dig through the first few motivational articles.

“It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life….and I’m feelin good!”

